The many many gung-ho Japanese JW, in particular childless couples and single pioneers of both genders, have been moving from Japan to various areas in southeast Asia to help where the need is great.
The Japan branch in Ebina encompasses the entire southeast Asia region and this area is under their supervision. The branch office have been encouraging, as instructed by Brooklyn, for brothers and sisters to move where the need is great. Some who are still active on this board may remember a letter that was read to all congregations late summer last year. It highly recommended moving to somewhere where there is a dire need for Kingdom publishers. Of course, this is to be done at your own expense.
From the time that letter was read until today, I personally know 10 people in my circle of JW that I'm acquainted with, that had moved from Japan to other lands. All of them went to third world southeast Asian countries. From Thailand to Papa New Guinea to Cambodia.
This will also produce lower numbers in terms of publishers and congregations in the land of the rising sun.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)